Private Coaching 3 & 6 Month Transformational Packages
Is enough, enough?
Do you feel that you want to make a bigger difference in the world through your work or contribution, but feeling blocked or stuck in some way?
You are ready to break through your limitations and claim your complete abundance!
You are ready to fully commit (and I mean really commit) to your expansion & growth!

Does any of this sound familiar to you?
You may have had extreme rocky roads up to now and possibly a very difficult childhood! You may be done, or close to being done with the "struggle to achieve method" that so many have been indoctrinated into society!
You may have thought for some time that the idea of something spiritual is something completely outside of you; or you have recently come into the awareness of your spiritual natures through many different ways, including receiving signs and synchronicities Beginning to comprehend that you are a spirit, having a human experience. And that experience up till now, has had it's fair share of challenges. However, you have gone through 100% of your most challenging experiences, some that you have learnt your lessons from and other's you may still be learning, but nonetheless, you have gained some incredible strength, wisdom and power along the way!
You have had some great successes in your business/career, but you know in your heart, that you are capable of SOOO much more!
As you've explored different options, there's just something that still doesn't fit in this puzzle of your life. You are hitting brick walls that simply do not make ANY sense. Old patterns, old ways of being & old ways of thinking are showing up from time to time, you think you've overcome something, only to find out that it is contributing to holding you back and you're not able to make your way through it.
It's time to make the biggest bet of your life and bet on YOU! Embracing the real YOU. The one who came to live on purpose, to live a life beyond the norm and live a greater level of success, fulfilment and pure abundance as the wildly successful human you were born to be.
You are NOW faced with two options, to follow through and break out of the old, or continue to ignore this all and sweep it under the carpet (remember that should you choose to that, the pile under the carpet, often gets bigger). The choice really is up to you.
However, this comes with a slight challenge as even though the old way is familiar, it's also beginning to not function in the way that it used to...
Private Coaching with Katerina, is for you if:
You are deeply called to make a bigger difference in the world through your work or contribution
You feel that it's time to align to this calling.
You are ready to invest in yourself in an aligned way on all levels - emotionally, spiritually, energetically and financially
You are ready to explore, release the deep wounds that hold you back from your greatness.
You desire support with business, mindset and personal growth.
You take full responsibility for your results and are spiritually open.
You desire to create a 6 figure+ income

3 Package Choices
6 Months ~ Divine Transformation £16,800
An in-depth Soul Reading & Energy Clearing Establishing what you're true greatness, gifts and purpose/lessons are for this lifetime.
An outstanding level of transformational support for your spiritual journey, business & life for 7 months.
Foundation ThetaHealing Classes ~ releasing blocks, Limitations and connecting you to your divinity.
Private Support Through WhatsApp (12 Months)
Transformative 1:1 weekly coaching / mentoring / healing calls
Dear Year Workshop (Either 2022 or 2023)
Vibe Tribe Membership
Releasing Shame 8 Week Webinar Series
3 Months ~ Divine Transformation
An in-depth Soul Reading & Energy Clearing Establishing what you're true greatness, gifts and purpose/lessons are for this lifetime.
An outstanding level of transformational support for your spiritual journey, business & life for 4 months.
Foundation ThetaHealing Classes ~ releasing blocks, Limitations and connecting you to your divinity.
Private Support Through WhatsApp (6 Months)
Transformative 1:1 weekly coaching / mentoring / healing calls
Vibe Tribe Membership
Releasing Shame 8 Week Webinar Series
Healer Support & Business Transformation
An in-depth Soul Reading & Energy Clearing Establishing where things are at, where you want to be and aligning you to the greatness, gift and putting that into creating your desired business.
An outstanding level of transformational support for your spiritual journey, business & life for 4 months.
Private Support Through WhatsApp (6 Months)
Transformative 1:1 Bi-weekly coaching / mentoring / healing calls
Vibe Tribe Membership
Releasing Shame 8 Week Webinar Series